Road transport regulations: the ‘mobility pack’
The “mobility pack,” introduced by a 2020 EU Directive and regulations, aims to ensure fair competition and improve working conditions for drivers in the road transport sector. It requires posting declarations for drivers engaged in cross-border operations, such as cabotage. Italy recently implemented these rules, mandating detailed declarations from transport employers, and imposing fines up to EUR 10,000 for non-compliance. Drivers must also provide specific documents when requested. These regulations are now fully operational across Italy and other EU Member States.
In Greece a Joint Ministerial Decision implemented the 2020 EU Mobility Directive into domestic law as of 12 April 2022. The Joint Ministerial Decision amends the previous Greek Presidential Decrees and laws that regulated the posting of workers in the road transport sector. It introduces the new obligations and definitions of the Mobility Directive, specifying the applicability of the Posted Workers Directive in cases of cabotage. The Ministerial Decision also regulates the competent local authorities’ application of the new posting obligations. In addition, it provides for concerted roadside checks on drivers and vehicles falling within the scope of the regulations, setting administrative sanctions where the driver fails to produce all the required documents. The fines range from EUR 300 to EUR 900. The Joint Ministerial Decision further provides for three-member Joint Inspection Bodies to be set up by the Regional Governors of every region in the nation for the inspection of compliance with the Directive.
For more detailed information, please refer to the original article on Ius Laboris HERE