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MoveS Annual Review Meeting – Brussels, November 29, 2018

The MoveS Annual Review Meeting successfully concluded in Brussels on November 29, 2018, with the participation of representatives from all 28 EU Member States, as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Sweden. Greece was represented by KREMALIS Law Firm.

MoveS (Free Movement of Workers and Social Security Coordination) is a network of experts established by the European Commission to address issues related to the coordination of social security systems and the free movement of workers within the EU.

During the meeting, updates from the European Commission were presented, including developments on the European Social Security Number and Mediation initiatives. Discussions focused on topical issues such as the evolving definitions of “worker” and “self-employed” individuals, the “gray areas” of new employment forms, and their inclusion in social security systems. The meeting also addressed conflicts arising from the application of legal rules across Member States.

Core principles of equal treatment, working conditions, and access to social security for mobile workers within the EU were also key topics of discussion among the MoveS network experts.

The meeting saw participation from social partners, including FEBETRA (Royal Federation of Belgian Road Hauliers and Logistic Services Providers), EFBWW (European Federation of Building and Woodworkers), PEARLE (Performing Arts Employers Association League Europe), and FGTB (General Federation of Belgian Labour). These representatives of employers and employees expressed concerns regarding the rights and obligations of mobile workers, such as truck drivers and other labor categories, in relation to the social security and labor law frameworks of the host states.

The event concluded with an insightful presentation of statistics and activities by the European Labour Authority (ELA), offering a comprehensive overview of current trends and initiatives.
