Languages: Εnglish, French, German, Turkish
Education: Faculty of Law, School of Law, Economics and Political Sciences, University of Athens (2006), LL.M in Labor Law, University of Athens (2011), PhD in Philosophy and History of Science and Technology, University of Athens – National Technical University of Athens.
Member of Athens Bar Association (2008).
Practice Areas: Employment & Labour Law, Civil Law, Social Security Law, Administrative Law, Corporate Social Responsibility.
Languages: English, German
Education: Faculty of Law, School of Law, Economics and Political Sciences, University of Athens (2018), LL.M in Civil Procedure University of Athens (2021).
Member of Athens Bar Association (2021).
Practice Areas: Civil Law, Employment & Labour Law, Law of Enforcement Proceedings.
Languages: English, German, French
Education: Law Department, School of Law, Economics and Political Studies, National and Capodistrian University of Athens, – Postgraduate Specialization Diploma in International Studies (2001), Law Department – Democritus University of Thrace – Law Degree (1999).
Professional experience: Unified Auxiliary Social Security and Lump Sum. Benefits Fund, In House Lawyer (FEK 52/23.01.09 C’) from 2009. Transferred to ΙΚΑ ΕΤΑΜ (according to the Law 3655/08 art. 57 par. 7) 2009-2012, European Consumer’s Centre – 2008, Retirement Fund of ΗΣΑΠ Personnel – 2005-2008, KREMALIS-Law Firm (Member of Ius Laboris Alliance) – 2003-2007, Law Office Th. Peppas & Associates – 2002, Attica Bank – Department of Legal Services, Trainee Lawyer – 1999-2000.
Research and teaching experience: National and Capodistrian University of Athens – Law School, Teaching support: «The institutional regulations of sex characteristics in the social policy» – 2003-2006, National and Capodistrian University of Athens – Laboratory of Social Security, Health and Welfare – 2004-2006, Ministry of Employment and Social Protection, National Strategic Report on Pensions – 2005, National and Capodistrian University of Athens – Law School, Hourly Remunerated Personnel of the Section for International Studies – 2000.
Coaching experience: NB Training – Centre of Lifelong Learning, Theoretical and practical training of candidates for the National School of Judges, Branch of Administrative Procedure from 2014, Training Institute of the National Centre of Public Administration & Self-Administration from 2011, Training Corporations: Nomiki Vivliothiki, Q-TRΑΙΝING, Technognosia, Ekonomotechniki, Euroekpaideftiki, Social Security and Employment Relations Seminars (Manpower Organization Certified Training) from 2007.
Publications: Social Insurance: Outlines – Case LAW – Interpretation Comments, Eds.: Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2016, Study: «The incidental nature of the subsidiary insurance compared to the main insurance. Some thoughts by the occasion of the CoS decision 810/2015» in commemorative volume for Prof. K. Kremalis: «Current Issues of the Social Protection Law», Eds.: Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2016, «Social Insurance – Analysis – Practical Implementation», Eds.: Nomiki Vivliothiki (Co-authorship with St. Petropoulakos, Court Representative of Legal State’s Counsel for employees’ social insurance issues, 2015, Social Insurance Outline in the Collective Edition «Outlines of General and Special Administrative Law», Eds.: Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2014, «Sex Equality in social protection», (Co-authorship with Art. Dedouli), Eds.: Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2008.
Practice Areas: Social Security Law, Employment Relations, Administrative Procedure, Public Administration, Consumers Rights.
Languages: English, German
Education: LL.B. Faculty of Law, Democritus University of Thrace (2018), LL.M. in Social Protection Law, School of Law, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (2021).
Member of Athens Bar Association (2019).
Practice Areas: Social Security Law, Health Law, Property and Real Estate Law, Banking and Finance Law, Immigration Law.
Languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish
Education: University of Kent (U.K.) L.L.B. (Hons) in European Legal Studies (2000), London School of Economics MSc in Criminology (2001), University of Athens, Law Department (2009), Postgraduate Diploma in Commercial Law (Commercial Law-Shipping Law) City University of London (2014).
Member of Athens Bar Association (2011), Attorney at the Court of Appeal.
Participation in EU Educational Program: “Erasmus” Program-University of Amsterdam -(UvA-Netherlands) -International Law Certificate (1999).
Practice Areas: Civil Law, Law of Enforcement Proceedings, Commercial Law, Banking Law, Consumer Law, Administrative Law.
Languages: English, French
Education: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – School of Law, Economics & Political Science, Degree in Law School (1998), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens- LL.M. in European & International Law (2024).
Member of Athens Bar Association (before the Supreme Court), Free Movement of Workers & Social Security Coordination network of legal experts (2017).
Professional experience: 22+ years of professional experience in civil law, strong, background in labour law, employment relations and social security law, former legal counsel to Secretary General of Ministry of Labour and Social Security (2023), contractor of National Bank of Greece S.A.(2005).
Practice Areas: Civil Law, Employment & Labour Law, Social Security Law, European law, Occupational Funds, Banking Procedures (loan contracts, underwriting properties and property acquisitions).
Languages: English, German, French
Education: University of Athens, Law Department (2004-), Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, LL.M. in Employment Law (2013-), University of Toulouse (Université des Sciences Sociales Toulouse Ι) Master in Employment Law and Human Resources (2004).
Member of Athens Bar Association (2006-), Munich Bar (2014-), Greek Employment Law and Social Security Association (2009-), European Employment Association (2010-).
Practice Areas: Employment & Labour Law, Corporate Law, Social Security Law.
Research activity: Mutual Information System on Social Protection (MISSOC) of European Commission, January 2008 to December 2010, Legal writing and coordination of the Greek report regarding social security benefits referring to the maternity and invalidity.
Publications (indicatively):
- Die verhaltnesbedingte Kündigung in Deutschland im Vergleich zum griechischen Recht, University of Tübingen, July 2013,
- The wage modifications after the publication of Law 4046/2012, Synigoros, Nomiki Bibliothiki,
- The inter-boundary activity of Occupational Pension Funds in Greece, Synigoros, Nomiki Bibliothiki August 2010,
- The Challenge of European Work Councils, HR Professional January 2008,
- Doing Business 2015, Going Beyond Efficiency, World Bank October 2014 Editor-Contributor for Employment Law in Greece,
- Doing Business 2013-Smarter Regulations for Small and Medium-Size Enterprises,
- Doing Business 2012-Business in a more transparent world, World Bank Group January 2012,
- Individual Dismissals across Europe, Ius Laboris Edition November 2011,
- Outsourcing and Employment, an International Guide, Ius Laboris October 2011 ,
- Secondment to and within Europe, An International Handbook Ius Laboris October 2011,
- Immigration, An International Handbook, Ius Laboris Edition January 2011,
- Non-compete clause, An International Handbook Ius Laboris Edition 2010,
- Transfer of Undertaking, Ius Laboris Edition December 2009,
- Collective Redundancies Guide, Ius Laboris edition September 2009.
Experience: Advising on a variety of employment and corporate issues including contracts of employment, disciplinaries, executive departures and terminations, redundancy, reorganization. Experienced trainer of HR and Employment Law seminars.
Languages: Greek, English, German, Italian
Education: Graduated from the Law School of the University of Athens, Masters in German Law (LL.M.) from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) in the field of criminal law, PhD (Dr. iur) in white collar crime.
Professional Activity: Research associate at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) chair of criminal law and philosophy of law, Law firms in Greece and Germany, In-house lawyer of international companies. Business consulting of Greek and international companies in the field of white-collar-crime and compliance, negotiation of extrajudicial settlements (plea deal).
Publications and Lectures: Brexit poses new challenges for compliance Bertoli/Vasilikou (Comply 1, 2019, 68-64), Vasilikou/Grinblat: “Health Care Anti-Corruption Law and Compliance – Measures for Market Players” (MRP 2016), “Sponsoring: Criminal and antitrust law risks in tie-in transactions” Bertoli/Vasilikou (DB 2016, 1859), PhD (2015) “Benefits in business dealings: drawing the line between customer care and corruption”. Bratislava Legal Forum (2013) “Corporate Criminal liability under German law – Criminal liability of directors and its impact on corporate entities”, Contribution to the anniversary publication for Imme Roxin: “Competition as a legally protected interest (Rechtsgut) for § 299 German Criminal Code”, German-Japanese Symposium “Law & Behaviour” (2012) “Aspects of Criminal Compliance in Germany”, Athens Airport (2011) “Corporate (environmental) Liability & Compliance – The German Approach”, Ceo & Csr Money Conference Athens (2011), Forum discussion on the topic “Ethical business practices”.
Memberships: Member of the Hellenic Criminal Bar Association, Member of the “Berufsverband der Compliance Manager (BCM)” – Professional assocation of compliance manager, Licensed as a German, Greek lawyer, and European lawyer (bar association Munich & Athens), Member of the Association Internationale de Droit penal (AIDP), Member of “Bundesverband der Unternehmensjuristen e. V.” – Federal Association of Corporate Lawyers e.V. (BUJ), Chairman of the of the Foundation’s Board of Directors PALLADION, Member of the Club of Greek academic in Munich.