Languages: English, German, French , Italian
Professor Emeritus Dr. Konstantinos D. Kremalis holds the title of Supreme Court Attorney at Law. He practices in the areas of Labour and Employment Law, Social Security Law, Insurance and Health Law issues. He is the Managing Partner at KREMALIS-Law Firm, which is the exclusive for Greece member of Ius Laboris Global Human Resources Lawyers.
Since 2011, Prof. em. Dr. Konstantinos D. Kremalis is Director of the Insurance, Social Security & Labor Affairs Committee of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce (Amcham) (2011- ) and Arbitrator in the Greek Board of Mediators and Arbitrators (1990- ).
He was awarded Ph.D. with Magna cum Laude in 1976 in the area of Labour Law, presenting the thesis “The contractual part of the collective labour agreements”.
He has taught National, European and International Law of Social Security, Health and Welfare at the Law Department of Athens University for pre and postgraduate students, as well as at the Catholic University of Leuven, the University of Paris II (Panthéon-Assas), the University of Rome, the University of Munich, the University of Tilburg, the University of Edinburgh, and the Kansai University of Osaka, among others.
After writing his monograph “The social insurance of dependent workers – Impacts from Labour Law rules” (Habil.) (1982), he became associate professor in 1983, substitute professor in 1987 and, from 1991 until 2014 full professor at the Law School of Athens University. He has been visiting Professor at the European Institute of Public Administration and a Fulbright Research Scholar at Minnesota and Illinois Universities in the United States of America (1994).
He is the author of teaching books, such as: “The Health Law” vol. 1 and 2 (2011), International Encyclopaedia of Laws, (2002, 2014), “Consultations of Social Law” (2000 and 2010), “Social Security Law”, as well as the author of many scientific works, many of which have been translated and published abroad.
Professor em. Dr. Kremalis has participated at several experts and law-drafting committees, playing a key role in the major employment, private insurance and social security law reforms. He contributes on a regular basis as a university expert and offers legal advice to several Ministries and organizations.
He has been assigned as an independent expert for the national reports in the European project TRESS (2005-2013) regarding “training and networking on the European Co-ordination of social security systems”. He is a member of the Scientific Board Participant of the European Law Revue “European Step (1989-). International Arbitrator of the Special Panel on OHR (Office of the High Representative) arbitrations assigned by the European Court of Arbitration (2017-2018). He has been assigned as a National Expert for Greece – EU project ‘Network of experts on intra EU-mobility – Free movement of workers and social security coordination (2017-2020). National Corespondent (Greece) – Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik (2015-). Founding member of the Greek Society of Labour Law and Social Security Law(EDEKA) (1976- ). Local partner in Greece for the implementation of the RESAVER pension fund project (2017 -). Member of the Scientific Council / Cross Border Benefits Alliance (CBBA) without voting Rights [2018-). Member of the Scientific Council / Member of the Research Association of Social Security (EEKA) [non-profit civil entity] (1992-1994 and 1999-today). Member of the German scientific organisation “Deutscher Sozialgerichtsverband” (today “Sozialrechtsverband”) (1980-today). Selected by the European Commission (Director of the Structural Support Service) after the Call for tender and the respective contract SRSS/C2017/033 on the “Labour Law Codification in Greece” (2017-2018).
a) Books- Monographies :
- “A comparative Survey of Pension Law Issues – Greece“, J. Mort and Lisa Butler Beatty (eds), 3rd ed. 2013/2014, 166 ff.
- “Social Security Law – Hellas”, International Encyclopaedia of Laws Kluwer Publishers, the Netherlands (2004 and 2012).
- “Consultations of Social Law “, ed. Papazisis, Athens (2000 and 2010).
- “Health Law“(Scientific Director), ed. Nomiki Bibliothiki, Athens (2002 and 2011).
- “Pandect Case Law Social Security Law “, v.Α’ and v. Β’ (responsible director), ed. EPIKAYP – A. Ν. Sakkoulas, Athens 1997.
- “Simplification and Systematization of Social Protection Rules “, (editing), ed. EPIKAYP – A. Ν. Sakkoulas, Athens, 1996.
- “International and European Social Security Law”, ed. A. Sakkoulas, Athens, 1996, p. 285.
- “Social Insurance clauses in collective bargaining agreements and Social Dialogue “(Scientific Director), ed. EPIKAYP A. Sakkoulas, Athens, 1996.
- “Delimitation or possibly even replacement problems of social insurance by private insurance”, Athens University / Research Committee (Scientific Director), ed. A. Sakkoulas, Athens, (1993-1996).
- “The individual’s right to social protection. Contribution to the legal definition of social services”, ed. A. Sakkoulas, Athens, 1991, p. 283.
- “The right to health protection. From the social security system for sickness benefits to the unified system of health services “, Athens, 1987, p. 234.
- “Social Insurance Law”, ed. A. Sakkoulas, Athens, 1985, p. 382.
- “Complex social security benefits. Delimitation of regulation EEC 2001/83 with references to the domestic legal systems”, Athens, 1984, p. 93.
- “Social Insurance of Workers. Formative influences of the labour law provisions” (thesis advisor), Athens, 1982, p. 358.
- “The contractual part of collective labour agreements”, (doctoral thesis), Athens, 1976, p. 252.
- “About the reservation of title”, Athens, 1972.
- “The personal and financial status of the monks of Crete”, Athens, 1972.
b) Articles and Consultations on Greek magazines:
- “Social resources, quasi employer contributions and the amendments in the legal framework of the Occupational Pension Funds under the L. 4254/2014″, EDKA 2015, 8 etc.
- “Institutional framework for adoption of flexible forms of employment – retirement relationship “, EKAYP- EQUAL development partnership EMPEIRIA, Athens 2006.
- “Professional liability and business risks from medical insurance contracts”, Synigoros magazine Υ. 6ο, v. 28, ed. Karatzas, (2001).
- “Amount of social-security contributions of Junior Lawyers to the Provident Fund of Athens Lawyers “, Nomiko Vima 1999, p. 583-587.
- “Provision of medical care services. Comments on the Council of State Decision 1374/77 (D’ Dept.), To Syntagma 3/1998.
- “Special Accounts for the Insurance of business personnel “, Analysen, 1998, 8.
- “Extent of autonomy of the Special Account for assistance to the personnel of the National Bank of Greece” according the articles 2§4 and 52§2 N. 2084/92”, Deltion Ellinikon Trapezon, 1995, p. 63-70.
- “Analogy of employer contributions to private supplementary social security.”EDKA 1994, p. 449-460.
- “Social Welfare. Investigation and evaluation of a new system”, (Scientific Responsible), Ministry of Industry, Energy and Technology, Athens 1988-90.
- “Subjection of personnel working at recently established public legal entity to the deduction for the Fund pronided by the L. 103/75 regarding “Once-for-all payment”, EDKA 1988, p. 553-556.
- “Effects in Social insurance systems by the entry in EEC”, EDKA 1985, p. 193-200.
- “Strike’s effects on labour and insurance rights”, Dikaio & Politiki, ed. Paratiritis, Athens, 1984, p.183-208.
- “The legal status of the social security benefit”, EDKA 1981, p. 385-391.
- “The employment protection in Polish law”, translation of Dr. Teresa Liszcz, Epitheorisis Ergatikou Dikaiou 1981, p. 689-696.
- “The harmonisation of social security systems in EEC”, EDKA 1980, p. 65-71 and p.129-137.
- “About the improvements of employment terms in the medical institutions”, Epitheorisis IKA 1976, p. 71-75.
- “Establishment of annual disruption of business activities due to the annual leave of employees”, Epitheorisis I.K.A. Asfalistikou & Ergatikou Dikaiou 1976, p. 310-313.
- “Strike for the amendment of employment terms regulating by collective bargaining agreement” Epitheorisis Ergatikou Dikaiou 1974, p. 257-263.
c) Articles and other publications abroad:
- “The Right to Social Security“, International Conference, Association for Social Security, Belgian section of the European Institute of Social Security, Leuven (2006).
- “Der Verfassungsschutz des Rechts auf Sozialversicherung der Arbeitnehmer nach der griechischen Rechtsprechung”, in B. v. Maydell / H.J. Papier / Fr. Ruland (eds.), Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Hans F. Zacher, ed. C. F. Müller 1997.
- “L’adaptation du système grec de la sécurité sociale aux grands défis actuels”, Cahiers Genevois et Romands de sécurité sociale, No 19, 1997, 25.
- “Invaliditätsschutz”, Beitrag a Forschungsprojekt, Max Planck Institut für Ausländisches und Internationales Sozialrecht, München 1996-97.
- “Social Insurance Law”, in K. Kerameus – G. Kozyris, Introduction to the Greek Law, eds. Kluwer / Sakkoulas, Deventer / Antwerp / London / Frankfurt / Boston / New York / Athens 1988, p. 229-235 and revised, 1993, p. 257-263.
- “Changes in social security policy in Greece during the eighties” in: Bent Greve (ed.), “Social Policy in Europe, Latest Evolution and Perspectives for the Future”, 1992, p. 83-93.
- “Principles of International and European (except E.C.) Social Security Law”, in: Danny Pieters, Miscellanea of the ERASMUS Programme of studies relating to Social Security in the E.C., Bruylant/ Maklu Uitgevers, Brussel-Antwerpen-Apeldoorn 1991, σ. 131-152.
- “Dokumentation von EG-und nationalen Rechtsnormen in Arbeitsmarkt-und sozial politischen Fragen”, in: G. Kleinhenz, Anpassungsprobleme für die Arbeitsmarkt – und Sozialpolitik Griechenlands im Zuge der Intergration in die Europäische Gemeinschaft, Universität Passau 1991, p. A2/3-34.
- “L’ égalité juridique entre hommes et femmes’ en droit de la sécurité sociale”, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 1986, p. 215-223.
- “Les groupes particuliers en sécurité sociale grecque, Revue Bèlge de Sécurité Sociale, Brussels 1985, p. 1079-1088. The works was also translated: “Speciale groepen in de griekse Soziale Zekerheid”, Tijdschrift voor Sociale Zekerheid, and 1985, p. 1093-1101.
- “Überblick über die Sozialversicherung in Griechenland”, Vierteljahresschrift für Sozialrecht, Bd. VIII, J. Schweitzer Vlg., Berlin 1980, p. 71-84.
- “Die Bemessungsgrundlage der internationalen Mindestnormen der sozialen Sicherheit”, Soziale Sicherheit, Wien 1980, p. 308 – 313.
Languages: English, German, French
Education: University of Athens, Law Department, University of Munich – Magister Legum LL.M in Employment and Commercial Law, Scholarship for postgraduate studies by the State Scholarships Foundation (IKY), University of Munich, Ph.D. in Health Law (2008), University of Illinois, Post-Doctorate research in Health Law and Medical Malpractice (2008).
Member: Athens Bar Association (2003), Munich Bar (2004), Greek Health Law Association (2004), Greek Health Services Management Association (2004), Max-Planck Institut for Foreign and International Social Law Allumni (2007), University of Illinois Alumni (2008), Greek Employment Law and Social Security Association (2009).
Practice Areas: Labour and Employment Law, Corporate Law, Health Law, Social Security Law, Global Mobility and Immigration Law.
Research Activities: Scientific Collaborator of Max-Planck-Institute for Foreign and International Social Law in Munich (2002) and of the Athens University Research Laboratory of Social Insurance, Health and Assistance (2004), Lecturer at the University of Peloponnese (2009) and Crete (2010).
Work experience: Dr. Kremalis has been involved in several multijurisdictional projects and regularly advices multinational clients on complex corporate and HR issues.
Other Activities: Substitute Representative to the Administrative Board of Ius Laboris, responsible for quality and knowledge management.